“Since 6th April, something has been cooking on Monday nights at No. 20 Bank Street. Conjecture has it that it may be “ham” or possibly “duff”, but this is quite wrong. The fare being prepared is, in fact, a delightful confection called “Oklahoma”.
Culled from “recipe books” which were originally the preserves of Messrs Rodgers and Hammerstein (well known purveyors to the musical trade), this tasty bit contains everything to tickle the palate of the most discerning gourmet.
The intention is to serve it up in the Neil Leitch Hall, Y.M.C.A., Constitution Road, Dundee, from 18th to 21st November. So, all of you who have a taste for this kind of dish, please come along to sample it.
The following is the recipe:-
Take over 50 singers, 7 dancers, a puckle backstage helpers (all Thomson-Leng employees), and add bags of enthusiasm.
Make sure the singers blend well by regular “beating” with a baton; work the dancers into a nice smoothness; add a touch of backstage help when needed; then cook for approx. 7 months. Garnish with a “fringe on top”. “
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